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Jeremy Cherfas

A space for mostly short form stuff and responses to things I see elsewhere.




Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest 20241004-W-AY6808

1 min read


Composite image. On the left a map showing the location of the quest and my position. On the right a mass of tangled vegetation at the edge of some woods.

* On foot
* 41.886121, 12.444012
* 4 October 2024
* 420.9 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

After recent storms there were a few trees blocking my way, and I couldn't get that close anyway.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest 20240924-W-BZ422G

1 min read

Composite image. Map of rabbit quest location on the left. Photo on the right. Looking out to sea from a flat, sandy beach with white waves coming in and a blue sky above with some pale clouds.

* On foot
* 55.169166, -6.777712
* Tuesday 24 September 2024
* 420.25 ppm CO2
* [OpenStreetMap]( 

I’ve been looking for baggable rabbits, but this graticulette is mostly sea, and even this one was out of reach except at low tide, which wasn’t for about another 6 hours.

Jeremy Cherfas


#rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240816-W-AY68OD

1 min read

Composite image. On the left a map showing the location of the quest and my position. On the right a black Raleigh steel road bike leaned up against a white micro-rental car. The actual Rabbit is somewhere between the biccle and an apartment block in the background.

* On bicycle
* 41.861454, 12.464238
* Thursday 22 August, 2024
* 418.77 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

Not exactly exploring. Just happened to notice this Rabbit right by my usual route for a long bicycle ride, so I had to bag it on the way home.

Jeremy Cherfas


#rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240816-W-AYB8OD

1 min read

Composite image. On the left a map showing the location of the quest and my position. On the right a view down a leaf-covered slope to a road. lined with plane trees and umbrella pines. Two groups of people are walking beside the road. In the foreground are shrubs, including small Ailanthus bushes.

* On foot
* 41.88934, 12.46280 approx
* Friday 16 August, 2024
* N/A ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

Bagged this on Friday, and it had been so long since the previous Rabbit I clear forgot to take the screenshot that enables me to post a day later. Or three days later.

Jeremy Cherfas


Audio cleanup

1 min read

Editing audio, you accumulate so much cruft it is amazing. Out-takes, duplicates, alternative mixes etc etc. You pretend you might come back to them. But you don't. Eventually you decide to save only the final mix and the sound files it needs, and you spend about 90 minutes doing every podcast from 2014, and you reduce the size of that archive from 21.3GB to 9.1GB and that is a good thing.

2015 can wait.

Jeremy Cherfas


I’m not clever enough

1 min read

From An alarmingly concise and very hinged summary of what it was like to build this site from scratch

“Yes, nearly everything about the platform felt worse than it did when I first started using it over a decade ago. ... Someone with even a modicum of clout should really coin a catchy term that everyone else can repeat ad infinitum until it loses all meaning. I’m not clever enough.”

Like, er, enshittification? Or was this an example of self-deprecating humour designed to flush out a reply guy?

I’m not clever enough to decide.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240529-W-BU4212

1 min read

Composite image with details of the rabbit quest on the left and a view of the entrance to Croke Park stadium in Dublin on the right


* On foot
* 53.360765, -6.253028
* Thursday 18 April, 2024
* 424.03 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap 

My first ever rabbit quest that involved an actual landmark.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Latest episode, I talk to Eleanor Barnett's about her book Leftovers, which made me think that wasting food is the default human behaviour. Only shortage can stop us doing it. Her solution is to advocate for a new appreciation of the value of food. Is there time?

Jeremy Cherfas


Belated #rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240418-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite view, with the rabbit quest on the left and a photo on the right; the photo shows a tangle of undergrowth in front of the viewer, the quest target about 10 metres away.

* On foot
* 41.882223, 12.448771
* Thursday 18 April, 2024
* 424.12 ppm CO2

In the park, and well off my normal paths.

Jeremy Cherfas

Now Able to POSSE to Mastodon

1 min read

I have been looking for a way to syndicate from here to Mastodon, and landed on the KnownMastodon plugin. Unfortunately, that did not work for me. I did a bit of digging and discovered that the error was in a piece of Mastodon authorisation code and that cdn has implemented a fix, but that did not seem to have made it into the code I downloaded. Further digging revealed that the fix was actually by crscheid and that even though they had created a proper pull request, that had not been merged either. I did what any sane cargo culter would do, downloaded the fix, stuck it in my site, crossed my fingers and tried again. Lo!

Jeremy Cherfas


#rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240324-B-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite view, with the rabbit quest on the left and a photo on the right; the photo shows grass in the foreground and the silhouettes of several umbrella pines, their shadows coming across the grass to the viewer. A few people are waking along a path and sitting on benches.

* On foot
* 41.885496, 12.441411
* Sunday 24 March, 2024
* 423.7 ppm CO2

Another walk in the park, but here's the thing -- the bicycle quest was actually marginally closer than the walking one.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240317-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite view, with the rabbit quest on the left and a photo on the right: grass and some laurel bushes in the foreground partially obscuring lines of parked cars beyond the railings around the park. Across the road, more grass and a line of tall trees on the horizon.


* On foot
* 41.886868, 12.440913
* Sunday 17 March, 2024
* 423.58 ppm CO2

After two long days in front of the computer, happy to see the quest in the local park again. The photo is facing directly away from the location.


Jeremy Cherfas

Peasants are not revolting. Farmers are revolting

1 min read

That’s my take on the agricultural unrest happening across Europe.

A single tractor, flying the Italian flag, passes the Colosseum in RomeOf course we would not be here if we still relied on peasant farmers and the meagre surplus that could be extracted from them without actually killing them. Nevertheless, today’s farmers are not their descendants.

Just one item in the latest Issue of Eat This Newsletter.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240224-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: Looking over a wall at a garden with a bare apple tree in the foreground. Behind the garden are apartment blocks against a blue sky with a few clouds.


* On foot
* 41.8765579, 12.46266
* Saturday 24 February, 2024
* 423.34 ppm CO2

In the garden of a nunnery.


Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240223-B-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: a view across the road to a high yellow wall shielding a yellow apartment block. In the distance to the left a bicycle is chained to railings and behind it, parked cars, eucalyptus trees and another apartment block

* On foot
* 41.895401, 12.453739
* Friday 23 February, 2024
* 423.32 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

NB: The bicycle quest was a lot closer than the walking quest, but it was still a good long walk of 7.5km round trip.

Also, while the quest itself was visually boring, it was very close to the Russian Orthodox church, which is less so.

Russian Orthodox Church of Rome, with four gilded domes topped by orthodox crosses

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240212-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: a view across a wide road to some Italianate buildings in the distance. In the middle distance are tram tracks and a stop and bare plane trees.

* On foot
* 41.87050, 12.45489
* Monday 12 February, 2024
* 423.19 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

Right in the middle of the tram tracks.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240211-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: a derelict glasshouse just visible behind some palms and conifers. In front of a paling fence are two park benches and a swathe of grass with part of the gravel path in front of that.

rabbit_quest 20240211-W-AY68O8

* On foot
* 41.88118, 12.44558
* Sunday 12 February, 2024
* 423.15 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240209-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: A view across open parkland with some bare trees in the middle distance and evergreens off to the right. The sky is overcast and grey.

rabbit_quest 20240209-W-AY68O8

* On foot
* 41.88226, 12.43950
* Friday 9 February, 2024
* 423.09 ppm CO2

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240206-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: my bicycle in front of parked cars in front of an apartment building with barred and shuttered windows.

* On bicycle
* 41.863416, 12.457319
* Tuesday 6 February, 2024
* 422.96 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240205-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: some cars parked in front of an apartment block, with a tall cypress behind a brick wall.

* On foot
* 41.885237, 12.457542
* Monday 5 February, 2024
* 422.92 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240203-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right the rabbit quest: a white Smart car in front of a yellow apartment building and a green gate.

Too busy to post on the day

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240130-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right, the quest: an empty cobbled street, in shadow, with a municipal building opposite. There are three courses of windows on the front, mostly with their blinds up. In the foreground is a pole with a clock on it showing just after 2pm.

* On foot
* 41.890238, 12.480799
* Tuesday 30 January, 2024
* 422.75 ppm CO2

Amazing that this quest was in the middle of the road right by one of our most-used bus stops.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240126-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and on the right, the quest: a wide-andle photo of a wall missing most of its stucco at the bottom, revelaing ancient brickwork and two courses of windows, the lower ones barred, the uppwer ones with shutters. Above, a fence of glass panels.

* On foot
* 41.894903, 12.463351
* Friday 26January, 2024
* 422.6 ppm CO2

Longer write-up on the mothership.

Jeremy Cherfas

Unable to login to Monocle

1 min read

Monocle would not allow me to login using this site, saying there was no microsub endpoint. This was because in upgrading Known, I had forgotten that I had added the link to microsub before. I had also forgotten which of the hundreds of template files I had to edit in order to do that. In the end I found it with a brute-force search for all files ending in `.tpl.php` The file in question lives at `./IdnoPlugins/IndiePub/templates/default/indiepub/shell/head.tpl.php`.

Having found the correct file to edit, the rest was straightforward thanks to [excellent instructions.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240125-W-AY68O8

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and the rabbit quest on the right; a Brompton bicycle, folded in front of a tray stucco wall and flanked by two plants in pots.

* On bicycle
* 41.871087, 12.44482
* Thursday 25 January, 2024
* 422.58 ppm CO2

Had to go out for fresh coffee, so why not?

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240122-W-AYB80D

1 min read

rabbit_quest 20240122-W-AYB80D

Composite image with my location on the left and the rabbit quest on the right; a parking lot between two modern, glassed buildings overhung by conifer branches

* On foot
* 41.930987, 12.469606
* Monday 22 January, 2024
* 422.53 ppm CO2
* [OpenStreetMap](

A little detour before catching a bus home.


Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240121-W-AY680D

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and the rabbit quest on the right; a Bistrot called Lo Spuntino

* On foot
* 41.877312, 12.450351
* Sunday 21 January, 2024
* 422.51 ppm CO2
* [OpenStreetMap](

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest geohashing 20240119-W-AY680D

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and the rabbit quest on the right.

* On foot
* 41.884197, 12.466269
* Friday 19 January, 2024
* 422.49 ppm CO2

Close to home, and still off my usual beaten track.

Jeremy Cherfas


rabbit_quest #geohashing 20240118-W-AY680D

1 min read

Composite image with my location on the left and the rabbit quest on the right.

* On bicycle
* 41.85935, 12.483711
* Thursday 18 January 2024
* 422.47 ppm CO2
* OpenStreetMap

I was out on the bicycle running errands, so it was an extra delight to bag a rabbit-quest.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Eat This Newsletter 227: We have a winner!

A round-up of the Xmas Quiz. There was one question that stumped everybody, and two others that only one person answered correctly.

The quiz is still available, and if you enter, you will see the correct answers once you have finished.

Jeremy Cherfas


Rabbit-quest reached during a 16km ride

1 min read

My black 5-speed Brompton bicycle leaning against a wall between two brown-shuttered doors

rabbit_quest geohashing 20231224-B-AYG8O8. 

  • On bicycle
  • 41.913869, 12.457505
  • Sunday 24 December, 2023
  • 421.91 ppm CO2
  • OpenStreetMap

Map showing my position relative to rabbit-quest marker

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Storefront of a mini-market, the owner peering suspiciously out of the door

rabbit_quest geohashing 20231219-W-AY68OD. 

  • On foot
  • 41.881408, 12.454396
  • Tuesday 19 December, 2023
  • 421.73 ppm CO2
  • OpenStreetMap


Jeremy Cherfas


Ready for the shake-down cruise

1 min read

Aluminium handlerbars ready to be wrapped with tape.


Handlerbars wrapped more or less neatly with black tape.
Final work on fixing up my 1979 steel bicycle. 

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Always a thrill when I have to delay publication of Eat This Newsletter to respect an embargo. Sign up now to have it drop into your inbox at 17:00 CEST tomorrow and be the first to read about the truth of microbiome studies.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

I find it strange, and deeply ironic, that a year on, an otherwise fine article still boasts an obviously doctored photograph of NI Vavilov. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? See Nikolai Vavilov as he never was: A true scientist does not deserve a fake photo.

Jeremy Cherfas


On Wikipedia

1 min read

John Naughton's online diary contains a good piece on Wikipedia.

Me: “So you’ve found a glaring error on a subject you know about?”

Critic: “Yes. Elementary mistake”.

Me: “So why haven’t you corrected it?”

Critic: Flustered (sometimes), irritated (often), defensive (much too busy)

But there's another aspect to this, which is the wiki-zealots, who are all-too-ready to block the Critic who does have expertise on a topic precisely because they are not members of the Wikitribe.

Eventually, those people give up and keep their expertise to themselves, doing Wikipedia and the world a disservice.. Well, Wikipedia is doing itself a disservice, but let's not quibble.

Jeremy Cherfas


International Coffee Day

1 min read



It's , the whole point of which is promotion, right? So here's a link to all previous episodes of Eat This Podcast on coffee


Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Correctly attired for editing next weeks episode with @dianaegarvin on some fascinating aspects of coffee history. 
Wearing a T-shirt from tazza d’oro

Jeremy Cherfas

The horror, the horror

1 min read

Dirty keyboard with key caps removed.

21 months worth of filth. 

Jeremy Cherfas

Jeremy Cherfas


Higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids from prescription fish oil showed no effect on CV events

1 min read

Bummer! Or maybe not. Hard to say.

Higher blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids from prescription fish oil showed no effect on CV events

"Fish oils increase the risk of atrial fibrillation substantially, and there is no solid evidence that they help the heart in any way ... It's a sad story for cardiology."

Jeremy Cherfas



1 min read

I made some trousers with unusual pockets, and I think they’re good.

On Trouser Pockets

I came to this via John Naughton's website (he doesn't say how he got there), and I have no idea who Sam Bleckley is, but in re-thinking the trouser pocket he has done something rather wonderful, maybe even genius.

I'd buy a pair in a flash.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

Everybody and their dog has suddenly recognised Substack and its ilk, which is not unexpected. But I particularly liked what Robin Sloan had to say in a recent newsletter of his:

The rush will come, the rush will go. We’ll still be here.

Maybe its because I am older and slower, but I feel this more and more these days. Fads come, fads go, and some things endure. That suits me just fine, even if some of those enduring things are only a couple of decades old.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

This is odd. The previous two posts have failed to post to m.b and I have no great expectation that this one will get through either. @help

Jeremy Cherfas

Just fancy that

1 min read

But in practice, Trump campaign officials were supporting continued vote counts where the president was behind and vigorously opposing them where he was ahead.

From today's Guardian. 

Jeremy Cherfas

Troubleshooting blues

1 min read

It can be so hard to debug IndieWeb problems when they arise in Known. For now, this should be a webmention of the linked post, because Chris Aldrich reported a problem. But even if this works, I may need to go outside this installation to test properly. Or, perhaps, try

Jeremy Cherfas

One step closer to PESOS from Instagram

1 min read

I had been barking up the wrong tree, trying to address `photo/edit` in order to create a photo post in WithKnown. Going through my old notes, I figured out how to do it through `micropub/endpoint` instead, which makes a whole lot more sense. Probably I should have started there.

Anyway, I know have the bare bones of being able to post automatically to WithKnown from the RSS feed of my Instagram account. Now I "just" need to build out all the rest; read the RSS feed, extract the relevant bits of data, construct the API request and bung it off.

Which will probably take forever, but hey.

Jeremy Cherfas

PESOS from Instagram?

1 min read

At last night's online HWC we talked a bit about getting pictures in and out of Instagram, now that they have become so much stricter about the API. Getting images into Instagram except through approved apps seems to be getting harder and harder, and is probably impossible by now. Getting images out of Instagram is also not obviously easy. But ...

A new (to me) thing, called Bibliogram, can, under the right conditions, create an RSS or Atom feed from one's profile. I poked around, and the feed contains a link to the image, caption and  date and time. The link to the image works. So maybe ...

I could send the feed to IFTTT or Zapier or similar, and have that create a post via Micropub to my instance of WithKnown. Or even, if I ever get it working, to my main site, which uses Grav.

But I can't even try for a couple of days.

Jeremy Cherfas


1 min read

I'm not saying I agree with absolutely everything in these two articles, but The Economist has an Editorial and a Briefing on what it calls "the global food supply chain" and "the world's food system". They make for interesting reading.

Spoiler: The Economist doesn't think it's broken.